You can hire a friend, relative, neighbor or someone you know in your community who you trust and who can help take care of you in your own home.
Who decides when the PA will come?
You direct your care and you will communicate your needs directly with your PA.
What if they don’t want to work the schedule I want?
Then you may need to find a different aide. Because you are the one in need of care, you make those decisions. It’s important, however, that you create a healthy, friendly and productive work environment.
What are some of the things I can ask my PA to help with?
Depending on your needs, you may be able to get help with
Bathing and Showering
Grooming and Hygiene
Housekeeping and Laundry
Meal Planning and Preparation
Can My Adult Child be my PA?
Yes! Your son or daughter can provide the care you need. They may get paid to be your PA.
What kind of license or certification must a PA have?
Personal Assistants are not required to have special certification or licensing.
What if I need help with a wound or other medical issue?
Personal Assistants can administer services such as wound care or giving insulin shots.
What if I don’t feel like the PA I hire is right for me?
You direct your own care and so can make the decision to fire your aide and replace him or her with someone else.
How do I know if I qualify for CDPAP?
In order to qualify you must be eligible for Medicaid. Next you must choose a Financial Intermediary – for example – Committed Home Care Inc. Then you will need to recruit and interview prospective Personal Assistants and ask the person you choose to sign up with your FI. From there your FI will provide guidance regarding next steps. It’s easier than it sounds and is a great program for those who want to stay in their own homes and may need some help in order to do so.
Resources for Caregivers
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a Personal Assistant (PA)?
You must have an eligible consumer willing to hire you. You must be authorized to work in the U.S and of legal working age. You need to complete a PA application package (supplied by the Fiscal Intermediary) and will be asked to complete a pre-employment physical exam.
Can I be a PA for my husband?
No, you cannot be the consumer’s spouse, parent or legal guardian.
Who will help me through the enrollment process?
The FI, Committed Home Care, will assign a representative who will guide you through the process and help you get it done in a stress-free way.
What if I need to change my schedule?
You will be working with the consumer and should let him or her know as soon as possible that you might need to make a change. We encourage our consumers to try to have a backup PA in the event the caregiver is unavailable or needs time off.
What will my duties be?
That’s for you and the consumer to decide. Many PAs help with baths, showers and general hygiene. Some help with shopping, meal planning and even cooking and cleanup. The key to successful relationships is communication. Be sure you have a good understanding of expectations and be confident you can fulfill them.