The following requirements will determine your answer:
Do you have or qualify for Medicaid?
Are you enrolled in some form of Medicaid Managed Long Term Care?
Do you require home care?
Are you able to direct or manage your care?
Whom can I choose as my personal assistant?
Absolutely anyone you choose except for a legally married spouse or parent
if the consumer is under 18. Your neighbor, best friend, relative, grandchild or
daughter, CDPAP is about giving you the power to choose and control your care.
Can I have more than one personal assistant?
Yes! Your MLTC plan will determine how many hours a week you’re eligible for.
You may have more than one assistant care for you at different times of the day
or week.
How much will CDPAP cost me?
Nothing at all! However you must ensure that you have Medicaid and that you
are enrolled in a managed care plan.
Do I need to have Medicaid prior to enrolling?
Not necessarily. Committed can help you find out how to get approved
or re-enrolled.
How do I enroll in the program?
It’s super easy. Click here or call us at (716) 557-1100 and a service coordinator will
help you get the process started.
Does Committed charge fee for services?
No fees, no hidden charges. Committed helps you enjoy the maximum of your
Medicaid benefits when it comes to home care.
How do I become a personal assistant?
Click here or call us at (716) 557-1100 and we will help you take care of all the
paperwork and details. You don’t need to have any Home Care experience. The
patient will work with you and train you.
Please note! Committed Home Care – As a CDPAP Agency – is not hiring caregivers, the consumer is the one who hires.
Your Name will be added to our 'available caregiver' database. A representative will reach out to you as soon as a patient in your area needs a list of caregivers to interview. If Patient decides to hire you we will send you the signup form to be added into our payroll system.
How much does Committed pay?
Committed’s CDPAP payment rate are reasonable rates as the program allows.